Californians Evade Property Taxes - How to

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Real Estate

California homeowners can save big on property taxes when moving or downsizing into their retirement dream home. Need help moving into your retirement home? Want to help your parents with some great information on how they can save money when moving into their retirement home?

If you’re over 55 and considering a move from your current home to another home in California… then you need to be aware of the unique tax relief benefits state law provides when you move. 

Here is a Short Overview of what you want to know! 

Downsize (or “rightsize”) into the best home for your lifestyle…
Move closer to your kids, and grandkids
Build the home of your dreams! 
Escape the maintenance trap—or the two-story home with stairs…
Move closer to the beach—without paying “beach home” taxes…
Reduce the position of real estate in your overall wealth portfolio…
Use the savings to take much needed vacations
Move closer to friends!! 

Propositions 60 & 90 were designed to offset the effects of Proposition 13 which causes a reassessment at market value when the home is sold, and therefore results in additional taxes. No matter How LOW your taxes currently are! 

Find Out what your home is worth :

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#Propositions 60 90 Tax Break
#Propositions 60 90 Tax Break
#Retiring In California
#Lower Home Taxes
#Californias Propositions 60 90
Retirement Tax Breaks
#California Home Tax Benefit
#Tax Benefits For Elderly In California
Tax Benefits For Seniors In California